Monday, August 18, 2014

John's 5th

He had a fun fun day. We started the party by going thought some mementos and photographs of John's life. I enjoyed talking about him, John enjoyed being in the spotlight, and the children enjoyed hearing about him. He is a unique and gifted boy. He makes me proud. Then we handed out the toy bags and spent time pulling out each toy and having a little competition with each one. We had tops and streamers, lip spinners and flyers, punching balloons and finger traps. It was exciting and loud! After opening presents we had popsicles and popcorn.
Later that day we had dinner with Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Rhonda. He chose stake and potatoes, corn on the cob and watermelon. For a cake he chose angel food cake. I love that he had his party popper ready so he could pop it after he blew out his candles.  He is very blessed and really had a great time.  We all love John.

Here is a little girly frivolity. Isn't that balloon wrapping paper the cutest birthday wrapping paper you have every seen!! 

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