Monday, September 07, 2020

Rose and Dry Aged Beef

Kelly has been dry aging some beef and it was finally ready for my birthday. He is so so kind. We loved the flavor and are excited to eat some more. 

Eliza's Flower Crown and Climbing the Wall

Eliza is a girly girl. She loves dresses and has a lot of acumen. She likes to have her hair beautiful. She started the violin and is doing steller on the box.  She is really good at playing pretend. She is so so excited about going back to school and was sweet when she mentioned that she is excited to meet the new girl in her class. Her reading is coming along very well. We read a lot of good books. We planted some very very late sunflowers. They came up but I am sadly not sure if they will bloom before it freezes. I love being with her and am so very proud of her.

Cone Flower and Zinnias

Messing Around

 It is so fun to see all the kids interacting together as a group. They are all really good kids and I am glad to know each of them. 

Dahlia Love

These are just a handful of my dahlia's. So so fun!

First Day of School

We were really happy when our school district started in green. Clara is on her last year of middle school and she is kinda shocked about it but really to dive in and make the most of the year. In a way it is a repeat of last year. Both John and Margaret rolled up with their teachers from year before. I was thrilled about it. I feel like they will have a bit of a head start. It should be a great year.


I love growing onions. It is cheap and two bags last for the whole year at our house. It is a really big kick to never need to buy onions at the store.


 John had a great birthday. We were at Bear Lake on the day, we had a fun meal and presents several days later, and finally a day with the cake. He really likes these fun cakes i have been making. This planet cake was really fun! We love John. Capable, a good worker, gets stuff done, and fun! Really good natured. 

Marie is Two

Marie is still just a delight. We faun all over her and just enjoy her to death. She got a little scared of the candles but she has a pretty even personality so she kept her cool and was able to blow them out anyway. When she opened the doll it was a highlight! She wanted that baby so much we were scrambling to get it out. the first hug was so so tender. She hates the little hat that goes with the baby and she named it Diana. Clara took the two doll pictures!

Day 3

 Moqui Caves and Bryce!